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What's wrong with embryonic stem cell research if people are helped by it?

The controversy, as far as human stem cell research is concerned, is not whether, or not, human stem cell research is right or wrong but whether embryonic stem cell research (which requires the destruction of a human embryo) is right or wrong.

Some believe that the human embryos used in embryonic stem cell research would have been destroyed anyway (as a by-product of human fertilization research and procedure) so why not use them to possibly cure disease and injury.  Others, believe that a human  embryo is not a living human being until it is viable (until the heart begins to beat or when it can survive apart from its mother.)  The Bible, however, teaches that human life begins at conception, not birth.1

In answer to the question, "What's wrong with embryonic stem cell research if people are helped by it?" let me say that any procedure or research which has destruction of human embryonic life as a by-product is wrong.2


Bible References:

1 (Psalm 139:13-16)

2 (Genesis 9:5-6)


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