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What does the Bible say about speaking in tongues?  Is it for today?

There are those who believe that speaking in tongues ceased when the canon of Scripture (the Bible) was completed.  Others, however, believe that this Spiritual gift is still in effect. 

As to what one believes, it all depends on how they interpret this verse: "but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears."1

For those who believe that "perfection" is a reference to the Bible, most likely their belief is that the Spiritual gifts of prophecy, tongues and knowledge ceased when the canon of Scripture (the Bible) was completed.

For those who believe that "perfection" is referring to Christ Jesus however, most likely their belief is that the Spiritual gifts of prophecy, tongues and knowledge are still in effect and will be until Christ Jesus' return.

There is debate as to which interpretation is correct.


Bible References:

1 (1 Corinthians 13:10   NIV)

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