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In response to all that God has done for us, we must respond by turning to God in repentance through "faith" in Christ Jesus as our Lord and our Savior (Christ Jesus, the One who saves us from the wage of our sin; our Redeemer.)1

Dear friend, God reaches out to us, and when we respond by reaching out to Him through faith in Christ Jesus as our Lord and our Savior, He, at that time, takes all of our sin debt (past, present and future) and stamps it paid in full by Christ Jesus. All of the guilt and penalty of our sin is removed once and for all time.  He also adopts us into His family; and tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. 3

Is Christ Jesus knocking at the door to your heart today?  Is He asking you to invite Him in?  If you will, all that would hinder you from having a personal relationship with God is forever removed. 4

Not only will you receive eternal life, but you will also begin to experience a truly rewarding and meaningful life.  As Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." 5

If you have done this, if you have turned to God in repentance through faith in Christ Jesus as your Lord and your Savior, let me assure you that you have a home with God in heaven. If you haven't however, but you would like to do so, just share with God in prayer what's on your heart.  If in repentance you would like to ask God to forgive you your sin, and through faith in Christ Jesus as your Lord and your Savior you would like to ask God to save you (give you eternal life rather than eternal death), please do so; God will answer your prayer.

Just as a baby needs to grow and mature, the same is true of a new Christian; they need to grow and mature in their Christian faith. 

If you're a baby Christian, come to know God better by spending time with Him.  If you will, you will experience more and more of His grace and peace in your life.

To deepen your new relationship with God, you should begin to read your Bible daily.  You should also spend time with God in daily prayer; prayer is just laying your heart before God, getting to know Him, and letting Him minister to you. 

It's also important that you begin to tell others about Christ Jesus; what He has done for you, and what He can do for them. 

Another thing you need to do is find a good Christian church; a church where you can worship, fellowship, and serve God with other Christians. 

Finally, you need to be baptized.  In Christian baptism, you are declaring to the world that you are no longer an unbeliever in Christ Jesus, but, rather, a believer; one who has received Christ Jesus as their Lord and their Savior.

May God bless you!

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Bible Reference:

1 (Romans 5:6-11; 10:9)

2 (2 Corinthians 5:21)

3 (John 1:12; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 8:1; Hebrews 13:5;

Galatians 4:4-7)

4 (Revelation 3:20; Romans 8:1)

5 (John 10:10)

6 (1 Peter:1:3-5)

7 (2 Peter 1:2)

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.