We get to know God better and better as we spend time with Him. 

Prayer is so much more than just asking God to do something for us before we go to bed at night.  It's when we get alone with God in a quiet place and just communicate with Him.  We lay before Him what's on our heart, seek His guidance,  and allow Him to respond by ministering to us.  When we go before God in prayer, we need to go with an open mind.  Allow Him to direct us (don't just try to direct God to do our will.)

At times He will speak directly to our heart and mind in His still quiet voice, and at other times through Bible study.  He even speaks to us through circumstances (things happening around us.)  The wise counsel of other Godly Christians is another way God speaks to us.  We need to learn to be sensitive to God speaking to us. 

When we come before God in prayer, we need to know and believe that we are in the very presence of our Heavenly Father; He definitely hears us and loves and cares for us.  We need to firmly believe this with all of our heart (for it's true.)

Would you like to know what prayer says to God about us?  If so, please CLICK HERE.


Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.